Musique audio
Edité par Arista - 1990
- Contient
- Johannesburg
- The Revolution will not be televised
- Blue collar
- New York city
- Hello sunday ! hello road !
- We almost lost Detroit
- Angel dust
- The Bottle
- Winter in America
- Delta man (where I'm coming from)
- Sou th Carolina (Barnwell)
- Inner city blues (make me wanna holler)
- Show bizness
- 'B' movie
- Lady Day and John Coltrane
- I think I'll call it morning
- You can depend on
- Shut'um down
- Ain't no such things as Superman
- The Klan
- Fast lane
- Race track in France
- Storm music
- Save the children
- Beginnings
- Legend in his own mind
Disponible à Bibliothèques de Blois
CD adulte | Musique et Cinéma (4ème étage) | 290 SCO | BIBLIOTHÈQUE ABBÉ-GRÉGOIRE
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